There is always a complication when buying electrical items for a 36 or 48-volt golf cart. Unless you want to wire to a partial battery pack and potentially over or under power an accessory, you will need a converter. This unit will allow you to pull voltage from the entire battery pack to provide even power to your accessories. The parts list keeps getting bigger and longer, and all you wanted to do was charge your phone and maybe your smartwatch on your golf cart. Well, we have the product for you. The gcLink USB Charging Port has a built-in converter that is compatible with 36 and 48-volt carts.This USB charging port is compatible with all makes, models, and years of electric golf cars. If your golf cart was 24-48 volt from the OEM factory, you could use this with ease. This unit has two ports for simultaneous charging, and they share a high output charger with three amps of range. Call Buggies Unlimited and get yours coming.