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Several moving parts allow your accelerator to be depressed. These are all hidden from the naked eye as they are in the sub-assembly of the coach. You will need to jack up the front end to access parts like the Club Car DS Accelerator Bracket Spacer and many others. The pedal itself has a pivot rod that passes through a bearing and is housed by this component. All of which is mounted to a frame rail. Several things can cause this golf cart part to go bad. Usually, it's a teenage kid with a stompy foot. However, if you want to give them the benefit of the doubt, road debris can also contribute to its failure. Just make sure you get everything you need; the chances are that this part is not the only thing that needs help under there.This golf cart spacer is not a hard part to install. You will want to have someone there for safety as you will need to jack it up. Grab your favorite toolbox and get to work. Just remember to call Buggies Unlimited if you need anything right down to the Club Car DS OEM service manual.