We all have a different way of saying goodbye. Not even down to other languages, which there are roughly 6,500 of. We are talking more about your personal sign-off. When you hang up the phone or walk away from a conversation, how do you end it? Are you a traditionalist and hit the other person with a formal departure greeting? Or perhaps the more comfortable "peace-out" fits your bill. When your E-Z-GO 295cc Air Filter Housing Base bids you adieu, things are going to come to a pretty quick stop on your caddie. This plastic part is something everyone gets the pleasure of replacing at least once due to its location and durability. We try to make it easy as possible by pricing it low and shipping it quickly.This golf cart filter base helps regulate how much airflow makes it into the engine. Your E-Z-GO carb and compression depend on just the right amount. If too much or little makes it through, we are dead in the water. Call Buggies Unlimited and get one ordered today.