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The Harley Davidson Fuel Pickup Assembly from Buggies Unlimited is one of the most vital parts of your caddie. Let's put some thought into this idea. Your wheels are what move the cart forward. However, they can not do this without power from the transaxle. That gets spun by a secondary clutch. As a matter of fact, another pulley called the primary tightens up at high RPM, engaging that whole system. So how do we build those? That's right, with the engine. Then, of course, you need to make that bad boy run to start the entire process.Remind me, what do you need to make an engine run? You got it, fire, compression, and fuel, which is hiding in the tank. Without this handy little part, there would be no way to get it where it needs to be. The Harley Davidson fuel pickup assembly ensures you can get your gas out of the tank and up to the carburetor. We make it so easy with this kit that you will have time to address other issues, like that OEM oiler that never seems to work right. Save yourself a headache and just bypass that thing.When working on your carriage, it's a good idea to keep that momentum up and get as much repaired as possible. You know as well as we do that a vintage model like this is about as good as it gets when it comes to making you feel nostalgic, but they can be a lot of upkeep. So stay on that seasonal schedule for replacing all of the high-wear items.Buggies Unlimited is the polar opposite of the post office when getting things done quickly. Hence, why you should call us today and let us show you what an efficient, hard-working team looks like.