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Most of us use our golf carts in a way that they were not initially designed for. Remember, these things are supposed to help the middle-aged to retired persons chase white balls on a nature preserve. Anything outside of that is asking a lot without adding some upgrades like the Club Car DS Aluminum Rear Roof Support Set. Those two broom handles you have been using sure serve the purpose, but boy, are they ugly. These are exact replacements of the OEM ones that came on the cart.
These aftermarket struts will fit Club Car DS 1982-2000.5. They are silver aluminum finish; the ones pictured in black to show the detail more clearly. These come as a set, so you get both a driver and passenger side arm. With this being a replacement rear roof support set for factory tops, you have no reason not to call and order a set from Buggies Unlimited. These deals are not going to last forever; get on the horn now.
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