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The Club Car DS Precedent Key Replacements at Buggies Unlimited is one part you will want to order a few of. The last thing you need is to be without a spare when you inevitably lose the original. Hopefully, that is not why you are here now. If that is the case, call in and ask a sales rep about next-day air service so you can get back in action. Do not be that person that pulls the ignition out and tries to hotwire it. You don't want to fry something essential to bypass a cheap part.
This is the one part of your caddie that gets removed constantly. Every time you get off, you pull this out and stick it in your pocket. It usually goes right on the key rack when you get inside. But, every once in a while, you will get distracted and forget. Then you are franticly looking for your pants from the day before. Right when it's time to take the kids to school. Now they are going to be late, and you are never going to be able to live it down after all that hurrying up you made them do.
There are no tricks or funny businesses for this aftermarket golf cart key. It will be the exact same as the one that you had initially. Club Car used the same key for several decades and over many models. This makes it as easy as pie to make sure you age getting the correct part.
Buggies Unlimited has it all. Everything you need is right here under the same roof. We have experts ready and waiting to take your call. This is what they do every day, and they would be happy to lend you a hand.