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You ever had a bug zapper in your backyard as a kid? Something was mesmerizing about their blue glow. Try to envision it from the bugs' perspective. You round the corner and see the most beautiful glowing orb that you must touch. It's... so... ZAP! Snapback to reality for us humans, on to the ethereal plane for that mosquito. The entire time that catcher is plugged in, it's running. This is just like the Yamaha Key Switch for 85-01 4-Cycle. If the key is in the on position, it has power running through it. You can see why this is a high wear item. More than likely, this is not the first time you have replaced it; we hope it will be the last.
This golf cart key switch is an exact replacement for the one that was on your caddie. This means that replacing the Yamaha part is going to be no problem. All you will need is a basic set of tools and a friend to help if needed. Call an expert at Buggies Unlimited with any questions you may have.