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When you need to get moving in a hurry, you jump on your golf cart and go with little hesitation. However, when you have a minute to stop and smell the roses, you will find that the OEM setup that came on the golf cart is just not going to cut it for you for very long. Sure it's functional, and it can get you from point a to b, but where is all the style? Where is the flare that makes you who you are? The Buggies Unlimited Yamaha Rally Steering Wheel and Adaptor is just the thing you need to get the ball rolling on a golf cart that says "you."
This Buggies Unlimited Yamaha rally steering wheel and adaptor will work for select Yamaha models. All it comes down to is the adaptor being splined correctly for the existing column on the cart. However, keep in mind that the horn button is not for use; it's decorative only. Call Buggies Unlimited today.
Their ad says G2-G29 so it pbly wont