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The Yamaha Woodgrain Rally Steering Wheel and Black Adaptor is one of the first upgrades we recommend. Considering it is one of the main focal points of the golf cart, it is a good idea to start here and build your golf cart around it. Make it the aftermarket masterpiece that it deserves to be, but do it in the correct order. Then you don't look goofy in the transition phases until you get it complete. We would be happy to guide you on this journey.
Now let's get down to the nitty-gritty details. This will fit Yamaha gas and electric models as long as they are not before the G16 or newer than the Drive2. It uses a woodgrain with a textured black outer grip to draw you right into the brushed silver three-spoke center. You can see that the 12.5-inch outside diameter is more significant than stock just by looking at it. The only drawback to the golf cart steering wheel is that the horn button is decorative and nonfunctional.