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The IPC Resistor Assembly for EZGO from Buggies Unlimited is one of your power components. Without this item, you will be looking at the inside of your garage. What we are trying to say is, when this breaks or fails, you are dead in the water. This would be like taking the fuel delivery system out of your car and expecting it still to run.
On newer carriages, you have components called controllers that regulate the power flow. These were the replacements for the golf cart IPC resistor assemblies. The older units used a coiled wire that varied gauge size to restrict the motor's power flow. This is a very high wear item. Due to the amount of heat this system generates, you can only expect a few years of service before you will be right back here.
You can replace the EZGO IPC resistor assembly with a newer solid-state system. This will get you a more power-efficient delivery of the needed amperage to run your golf cart. The older system bleeds it off in several places. This takes away from your top end and overall performance. The first thing you will notice is a loss in torque. That translates to hill climbing and heavy load pulling. If you use your golf cart for either of these, consider converting.
The installation of this part is not something that should intimidate you. It will hook up the exact same way that the original one did. We match our designs to the EZGO OEM product. We also have the repair and maintenance manuals on file that can walk you through the process. Ask one of our trained sales reps to include one for you. There is nothing quite like having the information you need to get the job done right the first time. Call Buggies Unlimited today.
Yes they do.
Yes it will as long as it is a resistor type golf cart it looks different from the fiberglass model but works just fine! And holds up longer.
I used this assembly to replace the failing coils on my 1983 36V Marathon. It's been working great for two-plus years now.
No this does not.
Jeffrey has it right. Wires have to go back in the same order. When I did mine i labeled the wires with duct tape and a marker 1-4 from front to back to make sure they went back the same. If they do not go back the same then your pedal input will cause unintended outputs. Like if reversed then a small input will cause full throttle but putting the pedal to the floor would barely move.
Although is may look different it should work just fine. We installed it on on E-Z Go 36 Volt, model # B2788, over a year ago and it has performed very well.
This would not work for the 48v system as it is for the 36v.
This is the oem mounting design.
Do no believe so . Mine is a 36 volt .