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Golf bags are getting heavier and heavier these days. Seriously, we have come a long way since we walked the course during our high school days. Strolling along with a lightweight polyester bag from the local thrift store. As adults, these things' extravagance knows no bounds; leather bags, with monogrammed names and more pockets than a pair of cargo shorts. You throw two of those things crammed full of hybrid wedges in the back of your golf cart, and you might as well have your buddy with the gut sitting in the bag well. You're going to need a Rear Shock Absorber for your Club Car DS.
Don't worry; your leaf springs can handle the weight with no issue. But if you start to notice the ride is a little rougher than usual, it may be time to replace your Club Car rear shock absorber. On your golf cart, the shocks are there to soften the ride. If your ride height is standard but bumpy, it's time for new dampeners. These are very easy to replace. Make sure you pick up a few install kits from Buggies unlimited while you are at it.