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Rebuilding your golf cart is made a lot easier by tools like the Yamaha Secondary Sheave Puller. You can do many things on your coach with just the basic tools that pretty much everybody owns. There are a few tasks, though, that need specialized equipment.
Things like removing a Yamaha spark plug or taking the primary off of the engine need their own specific parts for removal as well. This item, however, is used to disassemble the secondary once you have taken it off of the carriage. Removing it from the caddie itself takes no special tools. All you need is a socket set to take the bolt out and a rubber mallet to free it up.
If you need a Yamaha sheave puller, chances are not just the secondary clutch needs replacing. There is a belt that is very high wear connecting the primary to the driven. That is absolutely going to need to be new if you are doing anything with this system. Over time they get thin and stretched out.
This makes starting from a stop difficult, and climbing a hill is almost impossible. If you notice some top-end issues, that is the first sign of needing to get this swapped out. If you let it go too long, that's when you start having to look for products to help you repair other Yamaha parts.
This golf cart puller is one part of a significant rebuild. If you have to pull this off of your vehicle, check first and make sure that the spring that sits in the cup behind the sheaves is in decent condition. Then, all you need to do is take a screwdriver and see if the spring has any flex. If it moves at all, then you need to make sure you add one of those to the list when you call Buggies Unlimited today.