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When you are trying to figure out what may be causing your "no-run" issue on your golf cart, there are several things you want to consider. For instance, the Club Car DS and Precedent Carburetor to Intake Gasket. Still, the three starting points are fuel, fire, and compression. None of the three are simple solutions in most cases. All rely on several factors to make things happen properly.The fire comes through the spark plug and results from the ignition coil and ignitor and a few other things working together to make it happen. Fuel is the same way. You have a fuel pump and a carburetor. Then some fuel lines and a few other things that get the gas from the tank up to the cylinder. Some of these parts, like the carb, also contribute to the compression requirement. Thus you need golf cart parts like the Club Car carburetor to intake gasket. Call Buggies Unlimited and get one ordered today so that you can be up and running again soon.