Cart Subtotal:
We talk a lot about the needed pressure for a golf cart to run. The industry term is compression. Parts like the Club Car FE290 Rocker Case Gasket are vital for that end game. For a caddie to run appropriately, it must maintain at least 140 pounds of pressure in the cylinder. You can take this reading by removing the spark plug and screwing a compression gauge in its place. Then you turn the key switch on, put it in gear, and hit the pedal. The cart is not going to run, but the pressure should increase on the gauge. 140 or higher is excellent. We have seen coaches with pressure readings over 175 that ran amazing! But lose even 20 pounds in the other direction, and the car will struggle under a load. Lose 20 more, and it's not running at all.
This golf cart case gasket is an aftermarket replacement product. We have it made to the same spec as OEM to expect at least stock quality, but you know you're going to get more with us. Call Buggies Unlimited and order a whole rebuild kit today.