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The Yamaha Key for G11-G22 from Buggies Unlimited is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of starting your golf cart. Without it, you might as well just stay inside. This could also be the part you need to turn on your lights. Many LED systems are wired right to the ignition, so you can power them on with the caddie.
Having a few extra Yamaha keys lying around may not be such a bad idea. Well, the laying around part we do not recommend. You want to have a place like inside a locked toolbox. When you need them, there is no chance they "walked" away from you. Keep the normal one on your key ring, but hide the spares from you and the rest of your household.
Having extras of something that you use every day is just an intelligent policy to live by. You own at least two pairs of shoes and more than one shirt. You know you are going to need them, so you stock up. Why not the same policy for your golf cart keys? You seem to lose one once or twice a year anyway. Having a few spares can ensure you do not have to walk the next time one of these things turns up missing. A short walk to the garage for the reserve is better than having to wait on a postal worker.
There is nothing to worry about as far as fitment is concerned. As long as your golf cart falls between the G11-G22 models, you are good to go. They used the same key for years to help reduce confusion on golf courses. The last thing the club pro needs is to have to keep up with 90 different keys. Call Buggies Unlimited today and get a few coming.