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The EZGO Stainless Steel Steering Column for your caddie is like using peppermints for ornamental filigree on a gingerbread house. It is the topper on your golf cart build. This is the final product to make all of your hard work pay off with a shining gleam. You are making sure that all the stones get turned with this product. A black plastic steering column? No, thank you, cover it up with a surface so reflective you could use it to shave. We want to make sure that every part of your coach is at its best when you put the final touches in place.
Pairing this aftermarket accessory properly with several other items is the key to a successful build. For example, it does not make sense to put this with a stock steering wheel. So please take a look at our wide selection. We have everything from Formula one racing models to units that get used on yachts. When you are trying to pull off a specific look, achieve it with our EZGO parts. Do you have a particular pattern of color you need to match? Has your search come up high and dry so far? Look no further; you have more choices here than anywhere else.
This golf cart steering column is not hard at all to replace. You will need to remove the EZGO steering wheel first. Let us give you a little tip that might save your smile. Please don't take the nut that holds it on all the way off. Leave a few turns before you start yanking on that tiller. It is more than likely stuck, and when it comes free all at once, you would rather not taste it. Just take our word for it. Call Buggies Unlimited today to talk to an expert that can help.