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Your starter generator does an enormous job for the golf cart. It starts the engine so the caddie can run and the power to recharge the battery. Without support parts like the Yamaha 4-Cycle Starter Generator Belt and the voltage regulator, though, it would be up the creek without a paddle. The generator side of things is capable of putting out 18-20 volts. That would blow your battery up if it were not for the limiting capability of the regulator. The golf cart belt is the connector piece that allows the starter to start the engine and charge the battery. Without it, the whole system falls apart. Ensure that if you replace one of these parts, the other two are still in good condition. They all typically wear evenly.This Yamaha starter belt is straightforward to install. We recommend getting a manual that can walk you through how the factory wants you to do it. Call and ask an expert at Buggies Unlimited to send you one with this order.