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What is your favorite pig-out food? Some people are all about junk food. Chips when your bad and chocolate when your sad, right? We all love to indulge from time to time. However too much can really take the lead out of your pencil. You would think that all those carbs and sugars would keep you going, but you are bound for a crash. If your carriage feels as sluggish as you do after a double from the local fast food joint, you might need a Jake's Yamaha Power Spring Kit for G29 and Drive models. This spring installs in the rear clutch and increases the low-end torque drastically. You are looking at a 40-60 percent increase in your hill-climbing ability over a brand new stock spring.
Think about how good it will be when you replace that old worn golf cart spring that resides in your Yamaha's rear pulley. This new spring is preloaded. Which means it is not going to have the tines that the original one did. If you have any questions, call Buggies Unlimited today.
I have a 2009 Yamaha G29 with a 3 inch lift kit and 23 inch knobby terriain tire. I installed the power clutch spring and I am thrilled with the accleration improvement. It now has little to no hesitation at take off which was really annoying for me and passengers. According to my phone app for speed, there is only 1-2 mph loss in top end speed which I considered a good trade off for the start comfort. Hope this helps your decision. PS.... installation was a bit tricky. But doable with a vise, sea clamps, and threaded rod. The treaded rod is a must for safety reasons because the spring can launch with considerable force if not secured.
No this will only fit a Drive not Drive 2
Yes if it is the yellow one. Helps the cart climb a little better. Also need to use no larger than 18” tires to improve climbing ability.
Steve i would like to recommend these two controllers below. the 440 would be a great choice to bolot on and get more speed as well as torque, also it would require any other upgrades. the 600 would be the biggest upgrade (also higher results) it requires a few other upgrades but will produce alot of speed and torque. give us a call and let us set this up for you
The G29 has a model that uses a carburetor and one that is fuel injected. If its fuel injected, I don't have anything for you. The model that has a carb will also have a governor. I can't get into specifics about this, but that governor can be adjusted to slow down or speed up the cart. Youtube is your best friend here.