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The EZGO RXV was the first successful AC cart on the golf cart market. There were others before it, but none that were produced as widely or for as long. For the longest time, you could not get any upgrades for them. They were the only AC technology in the golf cart industry, so it was OEM or bust until recently. Now there is a Navitas 600-Amp 48-Volt AC Upgrade Controller Kit that you can get to keep that RXV up with all the other carts that are just dripping in upgrades. With this kit, keeping up is a bit of an understatement. You will fly by them with a massive smile on your face; no extra charge for that.
With the new cruise mode, you can get a higher top speed, or you can turn it down to lower velocities which will get you further range. At this point, you should be picking up the phone and calling us to get your EZGO golf part parts and accessories. If you are not convinced yet, the experts will fill you on this end of the line.
You would need to purchase the heavy-duty solenoid.
Yes, it comes with what is pictured.
Navitas kit is a good retrofit. You will need to get the app loaded in your phone and get tech support to “unlock” the Settings option for fine tuning. The Navitas support tech will walk you through it.
I don’t know if your model still had the Danaher controller or whether Curtis was offered yet. The big issue though is whether your motor has the external speed pickup, or whether you have the internal bearing encoder. These internal encoders are problematic. I just had to replace my motor to get one with the external encoder. The problem showed up with hard braking where there was was enough vibration in the motor shaft to cause the encoder to give erratic readings to the controller. The braking forces through the motor can be greater than those during acceleration. It took a while to get this diagnosed with a lot of help with Navitas.
You would need solenoid 55595
Mine worked out fine.
Here is a link to an installation video.