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A person's expression says a lot about them. A lot of us, unfortunately, have a resting angry face. Even when we are on top of the world, it looks like we are down in the dumps. Have you ever been told you look like Eeyore in the middle of a bbq restaurant by your waitress? How are you supposed to react to that? You need something that is going to put a big-time smile on your face. Getting your coach running with a replacement E-Z-GO RXV 36 and 48-Volt Solenoid should do the trick. Now you can get that bbq to go and eat it on your caddie in peace down by the lake or wherever you choose to get away.
This golf cart solenoid is a clone of the one that was in your coach. Replacing it will be just as difficult as taking the old one off, which is not at all. Have a buddy there to help; 48-volts can hurt a lot of it reaches out and grabs you. Disconnect the E-Z-GO main battery positive before you start and Call Buggies Unlimited today.