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The EZGO RXV RedDot Premium Suede Front Seat Buggies Unlimited will help you pull that look off you have been trying for. The neighbors around your block are great. They are always there if you need them in a pinch. That time all that nasty weather came through and knocked your fence down; they were there to help. You can always count on a good buddy down the street for a favor. You can also depend on the fact that they will try and one-up you when it comes to your golf cart. But you have us as a backup.
This golf cart seat fits EZGO RXV gas and electric models. We utilize modern, automotive-inspired stitching and the suede materials help regulate the temperature in hot and cold conditions. We also use Extra soft foam for maximum comfort with extra bolstering for better support. The UV and mold/mildew-resistant design will ensure these last long. This RXV accessory includes the black suede seat back and bottoms. The armrests we do not have; you will reuse the factory setup. As a matter of fact, the hinge hardware gets reused as well. However, we predrill everything to line right up.
The installation of this after-market golf cart seat is not something you need to worry about. If you have ever replaced the factory unit, you are overqualified. All you are going to need is a screwdriver. Call a buddy to come over and help you hold things in place, but other than that is pretty straightforward. You will reuse your hinge hardware and armrests.
Buggies Unlimited is a great place to shop when looking for an excellent part for your golf cart. However, things like the EZGO RXV RedDot premium suede front seat just scratch the surface. So call and order something today.
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