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2010 was an exciting and confusing time for EZGO. They ran several different models at the same time, and they all had distinct part requirements. Making sure your TXT or T48 uses the correct controller can be a hassle. Still, we tried to make it as simple as possible with up-to-date pictures of products like the E-Z-GO TXT and T48 Curtis Controller. This little item is truly one of a kind, so if your controller looks like the one in the picture above, color and all, we are good to go!
One great way to verify this is the correct controller for your application is the measurements; this unit comes in at 6.5- x 4.5- x 2.5-inches. You will notice this is the same as the OEM unit. A few more specs include the 250 amp output that is no more or less than the stock unit, and if you are still worried, match the OEM #, which is 612632. However you do it, get it done, and Call Buggies Unlimited.