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The main relay on your golf cart is also known as the E-Z-GO Gas TXT 14-Volt Solenoid. This confuses a lot of customers. No, there is not an EZGO out there that takes a 14-volt battery. The caddie is just a regular 12-volt like you would find in a car or another golf cart. Your starter-generator can put out 18-20 volts, which is way too much for the recharge of the battery. So a part called the voltage regulator drops that level down to a manageable 14-volts. This is why EZGO uses a more oversized solenoid. It will last longer when operating at a higher voltage. This solenoid still clicks in at 12, so nothing to worry about; it can just handle the extra voltage better.This golf cart solenoid is easy to install. Two bolts hold it down. You also have a few main cables that hook up to the large terminals. There will be smaller wires that hook up to the small contacts as well. Less than a half-hour, and you are done. Get with Buggies Unlimited today.