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Your clutches are hard-working parts. They take all of the energy your engine can pour out and transfer it back to the rear wheels. Sure, a few other items may help along the way, like the differential and the Club Car DS Drive Belt. Other things play more minor roles, but these replacement parts are the heavy hitters. They get hit when it comes to wearing as well. Your belt particularly gets a rough hand as it rides between the pulleys.
The OEM manufacturer indicates that when a belt drops below an eighth of an inch under their stock measurement, you will start to lose performance. Do not let that happen to you if you have noticed a loss of performance on hills or something between a pig's squeal and a dog's bark coming from under the seat; it's time for a new one. Getting the golf cart drive belt replaced is simple. Just call Buggies Unlimited and order it, along with a Club car OEM service manual, and you will be more than covered.