2004-Up Club Car Precedent-Onward-Tempo - Buggies Unlimited Buff Rear Seat Kit
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On Sale - Limited Time!
Club Car has some of the most remarkable new models, like the Precedent, the Onward, or even the Tempo. Each is built to a specific need that the customer requires to be filled. Finding golf cart parts for them can sometimes be a challenge. The rule thumb in the market is that a model needs to be at least five years old. We hate that rule. There is no reason you should not be able to upgrade your caddie the minute you drive it off the lot. We are not dealers, but you can bet that as soon as one of these new models rolls down the line, we buy them and start producing after-market products for them. A prime example is the Buggies Unlimited Rear Seat Kit for Precedent, Onward, and Tempo.This golf cart rear seat is not hard to install. You are going to want the help of a friend as some of it is heavy. Nothing about it is hard to do, and it comes with step-by-step instructions. All you need to do is call Buggies Unlimited and get the Club Car accessory coming your way.