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Did you have a favorite movie from your childhood? Wouldn't it be cool to have a piece of the memorabilia? Or better yet, what if the people who owned the local wharf bought a massive piece as an attraction, and you could see it whenever you wanted? That would be a fantastic thing to have just a golf cart ride away. Letting minor repairs like the Starter Generator End Bearing keep you from enjoying the fun is just silly. Golf cart parts like this can be daunting to try and replace. If you would rather replace the entire unit, we can hook that up as well. Whatever level of installation you want to tackle, we have your back.
This golf cart bearing is an internal starter generator part. You will need to remove the starter from the carriage and put it on the bench for disassembly. If this sounds a little over the top, call an expert at Buggies Unlimited to discuss your options and order today.