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Most customers think that carrying around a voltmeter in their electric golf car is all they need to watch the batteries. It is better than nothing, that is for sure. It hardly tells the tale of what is actually going on. To interpret what your voltmeter was actually telling you about the state of charge, you would need a degree in electrical engineering. Ok, it may not be that bad, but it is a lot harder than just looking up at the Curtis 48-Volt Battery Gauge up on the dash. Coaches run on overcharge. Your 48-volt vehicle charges up to about 52-volts. When it gets down around 47-48 volts, your pack is dead. The caddie needs a minimum of 48 volts to run. one volt below that, and you are up the creek.
The golf cart voltmeter is a great way to keep an eye on the state of charge without even having to get up. You can install it wherever you can cut a hole. We have even seen customers install them in the roof and sidewall of the battery compartment. Call Buggies Unlimited today.