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For the older, more vintage carriages, you can search for golf cart parts like the Cushman Wheel Cylinder from Buggies Unlimited. We make sure to carry items for caddies as old as the early sixties. We all still love the music and, of course, the cars from those bygone eras. So why not the coaches as well? At a glance, the architecture of the select remaining models is unmatched by anything that has come out recently. Keeping them alive and on the road is a personal mission of ours.
Stopping your coach is the most essential aspect of it to everyone else on the road. Depending on your priorities, it may be pretty high on your list as well. As far as everyone else is concerned, though, the color you paint it is not nearly as important as the golf cart wheel cylinder that brings it to a halt. When these things start to give up the ghost, it's almost unnoticeable at first. Then it's going to take longer and longer to stop. Did you cruise a little past the stop sign and make yourself nervous? It may be time to give us a call.
All it takes is one failure in a system like braking, and you are going to be up the creek without a paddle. As a matter of fact, staying on top of repairs like this is essential to keeping your golf cart on the road. However, do not let simple repairs like this go for too long. If you do, you will wind up replacing a lot more which means money out of your pocket.
Give us a call today and see why all your neighbors already use us as their source for Cushman parts. Taking it down to the local dealer is just a waste of money when you can get the items and support you need with just a simple phone call. Let the experts at Buggies Unlimited set you up today.