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The time has come to install the Super Lug Off-Road Tire from Buggies Unlimited. You have delayed this decision enough. How many more times will you get out to the field and get stuck. However, we understand where you are coming from; trust us. Caddies are light. As a matter of fact, a big strong person like you can unstick it by hand usually. Especially if you have a lightweight kid to operate the pedals for you in a pinch. How much nicer would it be to stay in the caddie the whole time, not having to hose your boots off? That's all we're saying.
The tread pattern on these golf cart tires is aggressive. They don't call it the super lug for no reason. We do not recommend you use these if your cart is on the golf course at any point. That is unless you like the starter chasing you throughout your entire round. Hay, we may have come up with a new game. You have to play a regular match, except the greens. Keepers constantly chase you with garden rakes. If you want to be the first contestant, have we got the set of rubber for you! Seriously though, farm or similar use only.
Installing an aftermarket tire and wheel assembly on your golf cart is a walk in the woods. All you need is a four and a jack. A few stands may not hurt, and a buddy to help is never a bad idea. However, leave the rubber to rim mounting to us. You need to order wheels simultaneously, and we will mount them for free.
Buggies Unlimited has it all. Your golf cart will be like a kid in a candy store. We have the hard parts you need to keep it running and the accessories to reflect you.
Looking for a new set of wheels to go with your new tires? Use our convenient tire and wheel builder! Just search TWA8.