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Even if you just use your golf cart for the links, having a place to put everything can be a challenge. We are not sure what the OEM manufacturers were thinking by making these things so limited. If you wear a shoe larger than a size four, you might as well change into your cleats in the car. That way, you can free up some room on your caddie for a few extra balls. We all know you are going to need them. Pick up a GTW Inner Utility Storage Basket for RXV, and you can bring two or three boxes worth. Heck, you might actually finish a round without having to steal from the driving range. It's ok; we don't judge; in fact, don't judge us when you see a red striped ball on the final green.
This golf cart storage basket is not complicated to install. All you need is a basic set of tools, nothing fancy. You don't even need to jack up the cart for this one. You can get it put on while sitting in the driver's seat. Call Buggies Unlimited and get it ordered today.