Sometimes all you need are the essential parts like the Centered Beige Steel Wheel from Buggies Unlimited. This unit is the same size as the one that came off the golf cart from the factory. We like to carry replicas where ever possible so that they are easy to swap. The last thing you want to have to deal with is looking for an adaptor. Unless you bring your carriage along or disassemble the front end and take a hub with you, it is hard to make a match.All of our golf cart wheels, unless expressly stated, are a four-on-four bolt pattern. Even the stock, centered steel wheels follow this same line. Club Car, EZGO, and Yamaha all use this same size for all of their coaches. So do some of the lesser-known brands. Ensure you get what you need and check to ensure your cart only has four nuts per wheel. If it is five, you will need to call in and talk to an expert about which one you need. These are very rare caddies and are usually only used on industrial or utility lines. Basically, any application that had more torque than you would need.We love to hear how you built your cart just right for you. This is what we are in the business of, and success stories keep us motivated. So if you want to share a picture of your vehicle with our golf cart parts and accessories installed, please do it in the comments below. Who knows what you added that might inspire someone else.Ordering parts like the centered beige steel wheel from Buggies Unlimited is easy to do. All that you have to do is to call and talk to an expert about your options. Then, we would be happy to help you get to your next adventure.
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