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Running to someone you know at the store or bank can be a treat or a hassle depending on your schedule and mood. Sometimes you have the time to talk to the car guy that lives down the street about the new headers he got for his yellow Camaro, and sometimes you don't. There are those days that you would rather not converse with another human at all. You just want to get on your caddie, run your errands and go home. Just keep in mind that the smoke coming out of your tailpipe is not normal, and the car guy might be needed to help swap out your Yamaha Standard Piston Rings. If you are down on power but have no smoke, you could still be on the right track.
This golf cart ring set is a part of a more extensive rebuild. You will at least need a few Yamaha gaskets to get everything put back together leak-free. Call an expert at Buggies Unlimited who can set you up with everything you need.