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The Club Car Oil Filter for the XRT 1500 Diesel model is a standard spin-on oil filter like you would find on most cars or trucks. As you use your golf car, the engine will heat up, and this is normal. However, it has to operate within a particular range, or it could cause severe and permanent damage to the golf cart. Most customers are surprisingly unaware, but your golf cart or car, for that matter, is not supposed to burn the oil off. It is designed to keep the oil in the engine to cool the entire operation. When the oil gets old and dirty, it can no longer perform that task effectively and must be changed. A new oil filter will keep that oil clean much longer.
If you need to do a tune-up on your 1500, this is a must-have item. We have heard horror stories of customers trying to reuse old filters that were slam full of debris and did nothing to filter the oil. When that happens, the life of the oil is more than cut in half, and you can risk a hefty repair bill. Avoid that and call Buggies Unlimited.
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